About us

I arrived in Negrești, Romania in the winter of 2011, together with a group of volunteers from Bucharest, knowing that we are heading to one of the poorest areas of the European Union.

Once we got there we met the harsh reality of the Romanian village of Vaslui County, where we discovered hundreds of stories that moved us to the depths of our being.

But in the heavenly things, you are as much as you love...!

The old man Stefan who took 5 children in his room to take care of them when they were left without parents. The grieving family whose child had died from the cold that could not be kept away by the plastic door.

The blonde girl who calmed down from crying when I took her in my arms and who was so happy when she saw the gifts. The same blonde girl who died 2 months later because the house caught fire too quickly and could not be saved.

Stories told with pain in the area of Vaslui County.

Who knows how many such stories remain unwritten in villages full of mud and cold, without clean water, without opportunities and jobs, without hope?

How could we sleep peacefully in our warm bed at home, a few hundred kilometers away?

Why are we blessed with food and clothes and everything we want while others die of cold, hunger and hopelessness?

This was the motivation for which the “Dragoste Desculță” project started every year and raised tens of thousands of Ruros, toys, gifts and food for hundreds of families in Vaslui County.

But we could not have done any of this without the contribution of so many wonderful people, from all continents of the world and especially from Romania, who understood that it is happier to give than to receive, that it is happier to love than to be loved, who decided to love with deed and hope!

Get involved now!

We collect shoes, thick winter clothes, money for fire wood, basic foods, personal care products, story books, toys, washing machines and other useful things for single elderly people and families with many children.

You can donate here or write us in private and we will give you an address where you can send the things you bought, directly in the heart of Vaslui County.

We believe that the deep love for this county was rooted in our hearts by God and made us responsible to continue to tell the stories of those we meet.

Magda & the team
(working with Pastor Paul Marica, Negrești, Vaslui)

To smile at a man who is upset; to visit, even for a short time, someone who is alone; to give shelter under your umbrella to someone in the rain; to read something to a blind man; these actions and many others may seem small, but in this way we can better express our love for God.